7 ways to get kids writing

(and cool writing prompts for kids!)

It’s summer, and if your kids are anything like mine, they want to be outside and they want to be at the pool.

It amazes me what happens when you ask kids to write their names.

They love it. They really, truly do.And sure, it’s not high-level thinking or super creative writing; rather, it’s just writing. Just plain writing.

Kids love to make lists.

If you’re working on something in the kitchen, ask your child to write a quick grocery list for you as you dictate items. Tell them that spelling does not matter and to give each word their best guess.

And kids writing their plans, checking items off as completed, and keeping everything together in one notebook is a great way of chronicling progress!

Often journaling is best done when modeled.

The children I know who regularly journal have parents who also do a lot of journal writing.

That’s not to say that everyone has to go out and start spending hours a day writing in a journal, but perhaps your family could either begin each day with a journal entry.

Give everyone the challenge of writing one letter each week for 52 weeks. Can you imagine how much fun that could be?


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line