eclipse 2017: free resources for families (even if you’re last minute)

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that on August 21, we’ll experience a total solar eclipse. I am going to hit you quickly with everything we’re doing on the big day so that you can do it, too.

I’m no scientist, believe me, so I have had to do a bit of digging for information about what this eclipse is, what it means, and why it’s such a big deal.

1. You need to know what it is. 

What is a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon passes between the Earth and sun.

During the eclipse, the moon’s shadow is cast upon the Earth and travels across the surface at more than 1,000 miles per hour.

2. You need special eclipse glasses. 

A lot of the eclipse glasses are sold out now–really and truly you cannot buy them on Amazon anymore unless you want to pay an arm and a leg,

3. You need to know when you’ll be able to see it.

Visit the interactive map on the NASA site so you know exactly when you will be able to view this spectacle.

We’re going to have the kids complete this super easy Solar Eclipse Capture Sheet just so they are a little focused during the event.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line