fun ways to learn spelling words

We only spent only a fraction of the time we should have on Maddy's first spelling word list.

This teachy-mama has done a little research and has come up with some very exciting Fun Ways to Learn Spelling Words for my sweet Maddy.

With spelling word flash cards:

I’m a flash card fan–not to endlessly flip in front of a kid’s face–but to use in games, activities, and sneaky-learning ways. I’ve created flash cards for each of Maddy’s lists.

With a pen, pencil, marker, & paper:

Create two teams, with a player from each team taking the ‘pen’ at a time.Teacher (or parent) calls out a word from the list, and players race to write the word.

With a computer and other fun electronics:

Open up a Word document and have your child type the spelling words on the screen as you call them out.Enlarge the font, make it a cool color, and he’ll have a ball.

Spelling Word Race

Create two teams, with a player from each team taking the ‘pen’ at a time. Teacher (or parent) calls out a word from the list, and players race to write the word.

Spelling Word Hunt

Look for those spelling list words in the newspaper or in another book, magazine, or text! Circle them or use a highlighter to highlight them.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line