how to do a family raclette dinner: 

make it fun, special, memorable

 We made our raclette meal super simple, and honestly, with kids, simple always seems to be better. 

What we love about this meal is that every, single thing is catered to individual people—you can eat whatever you like!—and there’s a lot to choose from.

How to Do a Family Raclette Dinner — Make it Fun, Special, and Memorable

Part of the surprise was that I secretly bought all the ingredients we’d need earlier that week.

So here’s what you’ll need to have if you want to “do raclette” like we did.


You will need: a Raclette grill: We used a Hamilton Beach grill that runs about $50 on Amazon.

Ingredients – 1½ – 2 lbs Raclette cheese (Swiss, Gruyere, or Emmentaler cheese will also work) – 1 – 2 lbs small creamer or small potatoes, boiled or roasted until fork tender – French Cornichons (Gherkin pickles work)

How to make a raclette dinner

1.  Clean and ready the grill for its first meal! 2.  Place all ingredients on a tray or in bowls on the table.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line