must-have books for easter baskets

Easter means egg hunts, candy, and plastic grass in bright baskets, right?Well what if you want to use this holiday as a time to sneak in a little reading for your kids?

These books, for the most part, focus on messages of appreciation, love, patience, growth, and awareness–all important concepts during the Easter season.

When God made you

This beautiful book forces young ones to think about their own special gifts and how they, as small as they may be, actually fit perfectly into God’s divine plan.

We are all  Wonders

A children’s book version of the amazing and best-selling Wonder by the same author, this book is beautiful and strong.

The kingdom keepers

Owen read the first book of the Kingdom Keepers after we received a copy in the mail a few months ago, and he’s been dying for the next few books ever since.

The Lemonade War series

Not only are there a boatload of cool business ideas in this book, but there’s a bunch of math problems as well, as they work to figure out how to make a profit on this sweet drink.

the candy smash

I think she’ll love them, and since she’s been talking about making money all winter long, I went ahead and grabbed this for her:


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line