room parent 101:

3 tricks to make the year rock (and free tools to stay organized!)

Whether you’ve been roped into it or whether you chose to take on this important role on your own free will, there are some things you must know:

You will have a lot of fun.

Really, you will. The kids are so cool. They are. And the parents appreciate you!

You will be organized.

 From right now until the end of the year, friend, you must stay organized.

You will need a team. 

So starting now, you may be the room parent, but you will have a handful of folks who will help you with everything.

You’ll get a quickie overview, and then at the end of the post, grab a quickie form with links and details on how to make these resources YOURS.

The Parent Dashboard

The Parent Dashboard has kept me sane for the last five years. It’s an online tool that helps both co-room parents and single room parents stay organized.

The Parent Contact List

I use Google (gmail), so organizing my Google Contacts is super easy. However, no matter which platform you use, you can, I’m sure, create a group for your class.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line