5 fun back-to-school rituals for busy families

Back-to-school season is in full swing, so I thought I’d take a minute to share a few fun back-to-school rituals for busy families.

Family Camp-In

No matter where in the world you live, the weather’s always perfect for a Family Camp-In.

Yes! Day

Scheduling–or surprising!–your kids with a Yes! Day before school starts is a ritual that is shared by many of my friends.

In a typical Yes! Day, here’s what happens: Kids make requests and parents say “yes!”

Ice-Cream for Dinner the First Day of School

This is a ritual that just about anyone can do with relative ease and just a bit of planning: ice-cream for dinner the first day of school.

Purge then Shop the House

Purge then Shopping the House is a ritual our family has done each year for many years now, and it’s a game-changer.

Another highly-anticipated back-to-school ritual in our family is our annual School Supply Shopping Extravaganza.


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Squiggly Line