halloween class party ideas:

help for classroom parents

It’s almost Halloween time, which means that all around the world, Classroom Parents will soon be a-scramblin’ for Halloween party ideas.

Help for Classroom Parents–the Halloween Party:

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, and the Halloween party has been done in many forms for years and years and years.

Our Halloween Party letter

The first thing I did this year was send a letter home with all of the kids in Owen’s class–something that looks like this class parent note — blank.

And here’s what we did last year for Maddy’s classroom Halloween party, and it’s what I’ll modify for this year, and it’s what I’ll probably do again next year when Cora hits elementary school (shhhhh!).


 The school does a parade, and all students participate. We helped them get dressed, then we shuffled them O-U-T.

We had a blast with this part.  Spooky snacks are THE best. Seriously.  But store-bought cupcakes and cookies are really great, too. 

With only a short amount of time to rock n’ roll, we had to get the fun on fast.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line