how to prepare your child for kindergarten

This time last summer, we were gearing up to send off my sweet boy to Kindergarten, and this year, it’s my baby’s turn.

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

I’ve had to be flexible, and so has she.  She’s had to do a lot of waiting, as I’ve supported Owen and Maddy along the way.

Here are a few things you can do with your child:

Practice name writing

The writing doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be legible. Most likely on day one, kiddos are going to be asked to write their names.

Talk about letters–and identify them and know their sounds

There are tons of ways of playing with the letters of the alphabet, and by kindergarten, children should be able to identify most–if not all–of both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Play with sight words

 Learning sight words–the words that are best learned by memorizing because they need to be recognized quickly and automatically .

We will do a lot of number-playing this summer, in card games, in street sign games, and in simple pool-snack-bar addition.


Squiggly Line
Squiggly Line